• contact@rodentplus.org/team@rodentplus.org
  • Ilorin, Kwara Nigeria




The Endemic and Endangered Nigerian Montane Rodent and Shrew Conservation



The Endemic and Endangered Nigerian Montane Rodent and Shrew Conservation Effort is a dedicated initiative aimed at confronting the looming threat of extinction faced by unique non-volant small mammals dwelling in the Mambilla Plateau of Nigeria. Notable among these species are Praomys obscurus, Otomys occidentalis, and Sylvisorex corbeti, each possessing distinctive characteristics that contribute to the rich biodiversity of the region. Unfortunately, their survival is jeopardized by habitat degradation, anthropogenic activities, and a lack of sufficient conservation awareness.

The Endemic and Endangered Nigerian Montane Rodent and Shrew Conservation Effort is a dedicated initiative aimed at confronting the looming threat of extinction faced by unique non-volant small mammals dwelling in the Mambilla Plateau of Nigeria. Notable among these species are Praomys obscurus, Otomys occidentalis, and Sylvisorex corbeti, each possessing distinctive characteristics that contribute to the rich biodiversity of the region. Unfortunately, their survival is jeopardized by habitat degradation, anthropogenic activities, and a lack of sufficient conservation awareness.


Our conservation project is designed to address these pressing issues and safeguard the future of these endangered and near-endemic rodent and shrew species. The key objectives include:


Our conservation project is designed to address these pressing issues and safeguard the future of these endangered and near-endemic rodent and shrew species. The key objectives include:



Research and Understanding:

Through comprehensive research initiatives, we aim to answer critical questions regarding the ecology, behavior, and distribution of _Praomys obscurus_, _Otomys occidentalis_ and _Sylvisorex corbeti_. This involves studying their natural habitats, identifying key ecological dependencies, and understanding their roles within the broader ecosystem.

Impact Assessment:

We recognize the urgent need to assess the impact of human activities on the survival of these species. This involves evaluating the repercussions of habitat degradation, deforestation, and other anthropogenic factors. The insights gained from this assessment will inform targeted conservation strategies.

Conservation Strategies:

Our project focuses on the development and implementation of effective conservation strategies. This includes:

• Initiatives to preserve and restore the natural habitats crucial for the survival of these species.

• Collaboration with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of conservation and garner support for protective measures.

• Implementing scientifically informed interventions based on the findings of our research initiatives.

• Establishment of monitoring programmes to track population trends, assess the success of conservation efforts, and adapt strategies as needed.

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Long-Term Impact:

Through the concerted efforts of the Endemic and Endangered Nigerian Montane Rodent and Shrew Conservation Programme, we aspire to foster biodiversity preservation and ensure the long-term survival of these remarkable rodent and shrew species. By engaging in research, implementing monitoring programmes, and actively involving local communities, we aim to create a holistic approach that contributes to the broader goal of conservation in the Mambilla Plateau, Nigeria. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the protection of these invaluable species and their habitats.

Through comprehensive research initiatives, we aim to answer critical questions regarding the ecology, behavior, and distribution of  Praomys obscurus, Otomys occidentalis and Sylvisorex corbeti. This involves studying their natural habitats, identifying key ecological dependencies, and understanding their roles within the broader ecosystem.

Through the concerted efforts of the Endemic and Endangered Nigerian Montane Rodent and Shrew Conservation Programme, we aspire to foster biodiversity preservation and ensure the long-term survival of these remarkable rodent and shrew species. By engaging in research, implementing monitoring programmes, and actively involving local communities, we aim to create a holistic approach that contributes to the broader goal of conservation in the Mambilla Plateau, Nigeria. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the protection of these invaluable species and their habitats.

We recognize the urgent need to assess the impact of human activities on the survival of these species. This involves evaluating the repercussions of habitat degradation, deforestation, and other anthropogenic factors. The insights gained from this assessment will inform targeted conservation strategies.


Conservation Strategies:

Our project focuses on the development and implementation of effective conservation strategies. This includes:

• Initiatives to preserve and restore the natural habitats crucial for the survival of these species.

• Collaboration with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of conservation and garner support for protective measures.

• Implementing scientifically informed interventions based on the findings of our research initiatives.

• Establishment of monitoring programmes to track population trends, assess the success of conservation efforts, and adapt strategies as needed.

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